You are being called to something higher

There is a higher calling happening for all of us.

Can you feel it?
Are you listening?
Will you heed the call?

Those who are awake are being called to higher assignments. And those who are still buying into ego, have an opportunity to fully wake up.

This is the beauty of a recovery process…

It can force an awakening because the old system isn’t working any longer. The old system is driving the human being into the ground.

There’s a crossroads that is reached where to the spiritual being can emerge or the human being will ride out in it’s behaviors.

In higher perspective, it’s all good. We are all working our way to the same place.
We are all going home in some sort of way.

My recovery and then healing process provided me the opportunity to wake up.

I had had many consequences that didn’t do the trick.

A car accident…
An overdose…
A psychotic break…
The death of my father to cirrhosis

None of that woke me up….

But suicidal ideations did…

So why did it take that thing to do the trick…

Well it wasn’t really about that thing at all.

It was something in me that changed.

It was something in me that surrendered.

It was something in me that decided to do it differently.

Many of our brothers and sisters are dying because they never get to that thing inside that allows for grace, compassion and forgiveness to come in.

It’s why surrender is such a powerful process and used in self-help programs.

I had to ask for help.
I had to admit I couldn’t do it on my own.
I had to stop the denial.

This is true for beginners or people in recovery who are up-leveling.

The process is the same…

Get help.
Allow yourself to be supported.
Be diligent around denial.

This is how you open yourself up to your soul’s higher calling.

And you and I both know you’ve gone through your life’s story to be the hero and story-teller of a different way of doing things.

You are the hope dealer, the life saver, the inspiration to the people who only you could positively impact.

But you have to be continuously progressing with your craft, making yourself the conduit of love and grace through positive being and living.

I’ve revisited my own vision.

What is it I really want?

I really want to be in a safe, sacred and beautiful home environment while I receive and convey messages from Source through my writing, teachings and self-expression so that I can live out my soul’s higher assignment while raising the consciousness of humanity.

This is what I really want.

And I do it by serving 1000 people in my Recovering Soul Healing Circle.
I write books.
I write inspirational messages to my community.

This creates inner and outer abundance where I get to see my inner richness reflected back out me in outer richness.

I trust and have faith in my undeniable connection to something greater than me. I’m connected to nature, the blue jays, Arch Angel Michael and Higher Self.

My legacy is to humanity.

I help awaken souls in a recovery and healing process.

I help people use their recovery story to wake up.

And I do this because I’ve done it too.

I live an awakened life. I am surrounded by appreciation. I see love reflected back to me. I see divinity mirrored back to me.

I’m living out my soul’s duty of helping others to wake up, live consciously and expand.

What’s your higher assignment you are being called towards? Leave a comment below.

Or if you’d like to participate in my higher assignment and want to learn more about the Recovering Soul Healing Circle, let me know.

About Beverly Sartain

Recovery Life Coach who supports Soulful men and women in living a sober, conscious and purpose-driven life.

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