Who am I without substances?

Need to know who you are without substances?

It's a legit question and precisely what I worked through to have the biggest breakthrough in my recovery.

Here's a bit of my back story...

When I first stopped using substances, I thought I would be focusing on managing my mental health and trauma issues. My depression had me in tears on a daily basis and my anxiety was through the roof. I was truly scared to face myself. I didn't think I could handle it, and feared I would fall to pieces any second.

But as I stayed the course with living substance-free, my mental health got better and I realized there was more to my use then just my depression and anxiety.

I didn't really know who I was without my issues.

That may sound strange but my identity had been built around being a complicated and broken person.

Letting go of this persona proved way more difficult then I could have imagined. You would think it would be easy to let go of something that wasn't working for you, right? It wasn't.

It's hard to let go of something when you don't know what you are stepping into. "Better the devil you know then the devil you don't know," as the saying goes.

This is precisely why the change process is hard. And precisely why self-discovery is SO necessary.

I had to go on a discovery process of Self. Who am I beyond substance use, mental health, trauma, _____ (fill in the blank)?

There were many things I didn't know how to do when it came to Self.

  • I didn't know how to be compassionate to myself when I made mistakes.
  • I didn't know how to forgive myself for past choices I had made.
  • I didn't know how to take care of myself in a way that felt intentional and good for me.
  • I didn't know how to respect myself by setting healthy boundaries with others.
  • I didn't know how to own my lack of personal responsibility to my life.
  • I didn't know how to commit to my light instead of letting the dark parts of me lead.
  • I didn't know how to accept myself as a human being who was imperfect.
  • I didn't know what to focus on to make my life better but I learned.

There were so many things I had to learn, but I was willing to find my answers instead of live a life of emotional suffering and struggle.

Need support in this discovery process?

If so, I've packaged together an opportunity called "7 Days To SELF-Discovery" so that you can start your own self-discovery process today with the exact 7 areas that I focused on for my personal breakthrough around self-love.

They are...

  • Self-Love Paradigms so that you can take responsibility for thinking like someone who is loving towards themselves.
  • Self-Honoring so that you can honor your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
  • Self-Care so that you can start to take care of mind, body and spirit.
  • Self-Compassion so that you can be more kind and gentle to yourself, no mater what.
  • Self-Forgiveness so that you can let go of guilt and shame that no longer serves you and be free once and for all.
  • Self-Acceptance so that you can fully accept yourself and make peace with your past.
  • Self-Commitment so that you can commit to loving yourself versus beating yourself up for who you once were.

You will be receiving 184 minutes of audio broken into 7 Modules + 17 worksheets all for $27.

It's no coincidence that every person thriving in recovery talks about the journey of self-love. And now it's your turn to discover your own self-love plus so much more!

It's super easy. Click here, make payment and within 24 hours, I will send you an email that includes all audios and worksheets.

You can listen to these audios while you workout, take the dogs for a walk or while you are working. OR if you are like me, you can listen to them in the comfort of your safe and sacred space and start the deep excavation of what lies beneath your behaviors and leads you to the truth of who you really are!

However you use these materials, there is nothing more important than you going on a self-discovery towards self-love. When you do so, life can take a drastic and profound turn towards joy, beauty and grace!

I'd be honored to be part of your self-discovery process.

With all my love,


P.S. Take a small step today and receive big rewards via the 7 Days to SELF-Discovery for only $27!

About Beverly Sartain

Recovery Life Coach who supports Soulful men and women in living a sober, conscious and purpose-driven life.

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