CORE Intentions
I’m starting CORE Training this week and want to go into this experience intentionally. I will be dedicating 4 months to business training and am using CORE as a catalyst to step into my business full-time. Divine Timing is in process as doors have closed in order for other doors to open. Because I give all my energy to my current projects, I sense that some things needed to be let go of so that I could focus my attention on my coaching business. It is my intention to stretch myself through the process. It is my intention to stay on task and complete the training. It is my intention to make back my investment in the first month. It is my intention to try on new skills and move through the discomfort with ease and grace. It is my intention to deepen in the Holistic MBA community and lasting partnerships. As I continue to blossom, I continue to have fun and express myself through my business. I am channel of thy grace and am building a community of conscious beings who want to actualize on a daily basis. CORE is truly a gift that is catapulting me to my next level of expression. I’m proud of my continued effort into learning and growing. What’s one step you could take this month to learn something new or move closer to your purpose?
So grateful for you sharing your process with us as you move forward with intention and grace. As I feel a shift in my own life and consciousness towards purpose, I plan to write, perhaps blog, my intentions for my next few months of coaching from you as well as my intentions for my process as a whole. The example you set inspires me to use intention as a means of allowing my process to unfold effortlessly (meaning enjoyably) towards expression of my true being and actualization of my potential. Wishing you all the best in your training!
Thanks so much for your words Wes! Getting intentional about your next 6 months sounds like a fantastic idea. You really have this amazing ability to observe other people’s process and use what is useful to you. It’s an example of someone owning their process.