5 Burnout-Proof Self-Care Strategies by Susana Sierra, Holistic Coach

Is it possible to become burnout proof? Yes, it is! When we think about burnout, we often associate it with a job or workplace. It can also show up in other areas in our lives because at the core of a burnout situation is stress. If exposed to stressful situations for long period of time it can do significant harm and place us at risk of burnout and for someone in recovery this can mean relapse. To have a better understanding of how to manage stress and prevent burnout here are five strategies that can take you from being burnout to burnout proof.

Always Put Yourself First

You are the first strategy. A simple yet not easy strategy, to put yourself first. Focus on making the choice daily, multiple times a day even, to tend to your needs. It becomes easier as you practice and you will begin to say no to things that do not benefit your overall goal of remaining in balance and have a good healthy wellbeing. You will begin to depend less on others or things to meet your needs and more on yourself.

Check In with Your Body

We hold stress in our body. A body check in or a body scan is when you identify symptoms like tension or pain from your head down to your shoulders, to your heart, heart to hands, hands to hips and all the way down to your feet and ask yourself where I am holding tension or have pain. This tension can be emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Keep a list of those symptoms. This is pin pointing where

you hold your stress. Next to that list write how you can take care of it. It can be anything from a simple stretch, a massage, going to your primary care provider, talk to a friend, a therapist or a coach.

Create a Retreat Experience

Create for yourself a retreat state of mind or experience. This next strategy is to design a life where your stress management includes going away on a retreat daily, weekly or annually– as often as you need to remain in balance. It doesn’t always mean going away to a mountain or an island, but it can also mean a simple getaway in a room in your home, in a park or in your car. A simple formula for creating the retreat experience is to set an intention, pick a location and time, and fill it with 2-3 activities that you enjoy doing. Keep track of your retreat experiences and how you feel so that you can recreate them or make changes as needed. Make it fun!

Write Yourself Healthy in a Journal

Studies show the many benefits of journaling. Writing down stressful events can boost immune system by lessening the impact stress has on you at the cellular level. Cortisol is stress hormone that increases when stressed and lowers immune system can be decreased by writing in a journal. Writing helps you clear your mind of self-doubt and insecurities by putting things in perspective. Release the stress in your journal.

Repeat the Strategies to Make it Stick

The final strategy is to repeat strategies 1-4. It will help you make it a self-care practice that will have a long-lasting effect on your life. Helping you maintain a healthier more balanced YOU-a Burnout Proof YOU!



Susana Sierra is a trained Certified Holistic Coach, Self-Care Strategist, Burnout Coach, and healthcare professional for 20 years as a Medical Social worker. Susana takes her personal journey-recovering from chronic burnout to balanced giving and living; and uses it to help others to develop a personalized self-care practice, using practical tools and strategies. Susana integrates personal experience along with years of teachings including, Positive Psychology, mindfulness practice, and holistic coaching to focus on the whole person- connecting the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual parts of the person to support well-being and overall better health.

About Beverly Sartain

Recovery Life Coach who supports Soulful men and women in living a sober, conscious and purpose-driven life.

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