Embracing Endings

Yesterday marked several endings for me; last day of working full-time for someone else, last support meeting on the site and graduation from my Recovery Life Coaching class. It’s amazing to see the change in perspective I have now as a sober spiritual being. What would have cracked me 10 years ago turned into an incredible opportunity to deepen in my love and inner knowing. I KNOW that all is well. I KNOW that when I am in acceptance of what is, I flourish. I KNOW that all things unfold for the highest good of all concerned including myself. I KNOW that amazing experiences are in store for me. All of this is already happening. It’s been happening. As I continue to see things as learning experiences, I solidify my ownership of my experience. I now experience endings as beginnings of something else. I’ve been discussing the imagery of “stepping into your spotlight.” The universe has conspired to do just that, open up space for me to step into my magnificence that always was and always will be. It’s a privilege to be at a place in life where I can own my expression and not be afraid of it any longer. Can you recall a time that there was an ending that turned out to be a blessing in disguise? Would love to hear your thoughts, comments, questioning below.

About Beverly Sartain

Recovery Life Coach who supports Soulful men and women in living a sober, conscious and purpose-driven life.


  1. Wes Richards on May 30, 2015 at 1:55 pm

    Congratulations on all your new beginnings. It’s remarkable to see the difference that shifting one’s perspective can make in their reality. I see this in my own life as I choose to end behaviors and thoughts that don’t serve me or the world. As I choose a new response, or shift my perspective, to a familiar problem or trigger, I manifest a new way of being in the world. A different type of ending becoming a new beginning but one I can relate to at this point in my process. And, as I do this, I’m starting to see opportunities to shift my perspective on the seemingly “bad” things that might happen or things I want to change that fear won’t allow me to change. I’m better prepared to choose my attitude in any given situation so that I’m able to learn the lesson inherent in the experience. As I own my role in creating my reality, my life is becoming more of an adventure to be explored and experienced than an existence to be tolerated and survived.

    • bevsartain@gmail.com on May 30, 2015 at 8:50 pm

      Thank you Wes! It always amazes me how you “get” these concepts so naturally and quickly. You’ve got a special ability to receive knowledge and apply it to your experience. So great to hear that life is becoming an adventure versus something to be tolerated. That’s a shift for a lifetime Wes. Even better, you get to be the loving and compassion and bring all this new learning to your experience with your family. I love seeing the trickle down effect of our application. We will always have more learning but this perspective sure does make it more enjoyable. Thank you for your continued commitment and engagement!

  2. Wes on May 30, 2015 at 10:39 pm

    It’s my pleasure to engage your blogs. I always see your blogs as an opportunity to deepen in my process by shining a light on an awareness I might not otherwise realize I have if I don’t sit down and apply my understanding to your concepts in writing. It also helps reinforce the concepts that already resonate with my higher self. And, of course, I have a strong belief in you as a coach and fellow seeker.

    • bevsartain@gmail.com on May 30, 2015 at 10:47 pm

      Writing is such an amazing way to ground our learnings!

  3. John Shoemaker on July 25, 2015 at 5:23 pm

    I appreciate your honesty and insight in this post, Beverly. Thank you for sharing.

    • beverlysa on July 25, 2015 at 6:22 pm

      Thanks for your feedback John! How do you relate to “Embracing Endings?”

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